900+ (12)+/-Thr12345678+/-Sum
1Oskari Tuominen -5F22232233-519
2Mauri Lokkila -4F22332233-420
2Matias Jauhojärvi -4F32332232-420
2Atte Sailola -4F22332233-420
5Oskari Hakala -3F22333332-321
5Joona Lindholm -3F22433232-321
7Iiro Isokääntä -2F34322332-222
7Mika Heikkonen -2F23233342-222
9Matias Liljeström -1F22433432-123
9Oskari Raute -1F33223343-123
9Joonas Jauhojärvi -1F22333343-123
12Viljami Välikangas 0F22333343024
alle 900 (4)+/-Thr12345678+/-Sum
1Toni Uppala -5F23322322-519
2Timo Niitynperä -1F32333234-123
3Petri Landén 0F33333243024
4Akseli Tuominen +1F33334342+125

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The result was updated on: 2024-06-29 07:15:54. Free is used

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