NoName+/-Thr 6 8 9101112131415161718 1 2 3 4+/-Sum
1Svit Savnik -273433422-221
2Andrej Drofenik -173324424-122
3Bostjan Babic 073333353023
4Blaz Petrovic +174453422+124
5Marijan Krištofić +274343533+225
5Boštjan Lotrič +274333435+225
7Aleksandr Kajumov +375444333+326
8Alex Savnik +576343534+528
9Andrej Žiberna +675643434+629
10Tim Jeršič +774454544+730
11Jan Šalamun +1575575745+1538

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The result was updated on: 2024-06-29 11:32:18.

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