NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920+/-Sum
1Teemu Vesala -7F32333433242332234333-758
2Mika Pääskynen -5F32433433332433234233-560
3Robin Raudsepp 0F33353435442443224322065
4Jarmo Kujanpää +2F33344443342434334234+267
4Harri Saari +2F42444534342434234233+267
4kalle tuominen +2F34344543442343235223+267
7Aatu skyttä +3F32433455442533333234+368
8Niklas Lähteenlahti +7F33344444453552343423+772
9joni utriainen +9F32444653363433334335+974
10Jere Ounaslehto+20F63445743462564254353+2085
11Lari Simola +29F43554735372954366445+2994

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The result was updated on: 2016-07-26 20:53:02. Free is used

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