1Markus Kylä-Kaila -5F252222223-522
2Jarkko Lahtinen -1F432234323-126
2Tomi Vuori -1F342324332-126
4Tuukka Turunen 0F432334323027
5Ossi Tuominen+2F443334323+229
5Henri Kylä-Kaila +2F343333343+229
7Harri Mäkelä+3F352434333+330
7Pauli Nurminen+3F433343424+330
9Jyrki Kopi+4F443424433+431
9Pekka Pesonen +4F543453322+431
11Jaakko Jalava-Anttila+7F364534423+734
12Miina Rostedt+12F563454435+1239
13Peetu Pesonen+23F985555544+2350

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The result was updated on: 2016-08-14 10:56:17. Free is used

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