NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516+/-Sum
1Mikko Buht -1F6442433343444434-159
2Margus Mänd +1F6442435543244533+161
3Silver Saks +2F6444424442463524+262
3Tanel Pajo +2F6644523443345423+262
5Kevin Sepp +4F5444535445244434+464
6Tanel Mehine +5F6554433533443535+565
7Joosep Orav +6F6443544445254534+666
8Siim Kotka +7F6553434463434544+767
8Anti Kustassoo +7F6463534353453634+767
8Roland Mölder +7F5443536633464524+767
11Tauno Tagel +8F7443444453345536+868
11Marko Saks +8F5553434553473534+868
11Bruno Võsu +8F6552555445444424+868
14Ergo Leibak +9F6463636654243434+969
14Cristo Kalder +9F6444435554454435+969
14Kaarel Jõgeva +9F9444436533544524+969
14Silver Koni +9F4445624562454536+969
18Jimmy +11F5462533445744555+1171
19Raimond Ratušnõi +16F7557344554443637+1676
20Lauri Soopalu +26F7665538454585546+2686
21Allar Annusver +27F5576546574665637+2787

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The result was updated on: 2017-01-02 13:05:33. Free is used

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