No Tulemus (Sum)Handicap (HC)Kokku (Sum-HC)
1Hristo Neiland43649
2Mario Kallikorm53 53
3Madis Kuslap48553
4Andre Kaljumäe54 54
5Hillar Neiland52355
5Kilp Marko55 55
7Peivo Talviste55156
7Jaanis Nõmmeloo56 56
7Danny Anton56 56
10Avo Sambla50858
11Ago Sambla471259
12Jaak Kivend60 60
12Kristel Lints60 60
14Aveli Uustalu62 62
15Asko Abel531063
15Timo Juursalu521163
17Hardi Reiljan67 67
18Allain-Marco Anton581068
19Sten-Henrik Kendaru69 69
NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920+/-Sum
1Hristo Neiland -17F22322222222222323222-1743
2Ago Sambla -13F22322322322332322322-1347
3Madis Kuslap -12F22322233222352322222-1248
4Avo Sambla -10F22323222223333323332-1050
5Hillar Neiland -8F22333233222234233332-852
5Timo Juursalu -8F32222333342233232242-852
7Asko Abel -7F32234243223322223333-753
7Mario Kallikorm -7F32323233332343223322-753
9Andre Kaljumäe -6F33332233433233322232-654
10Kilp Marko -5F23422343332334223232-555
10Peivo Talviste -5F32353222233233233333-555
12Danny Anton -4F34332233323233333242-456
12Jaanis Nõmmeloo -4F33434432232233223233-456
14Allain-Marco Anton -2F33422243333342234422-258
15Jaak Kivend 0F23333324332342443423060
15Kristel Lints 0F33432234333233344332060
17Aveli Uustalu +2F23433333332334333542+262
18Hardi Reiljan +7F33433343434234443343+767
19Sten-Henrik Kendaru +9F33443244433443333543+969

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The result was updated on: 2017-05-17 19:37:15.

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