NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122+/-Sum
LUMELEOPARDID (18)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122+/-Sum
1Sander Räis -5F3225333333333234232233-563
2Allan Puum -4F3224323323323244343333-464
3Meelis Prikko +2F3324434323333244243353+270
4Raido Galjaev +5F4344323434334264233333+573
5Joonas Kreuz +6F3335434333433444332343+674
6Ken Laane +7F3344423633454443243322+775
6Rainer-Mart Kiolein +7F4325334333433454243433+775
8Taivo Koitla +8F3425333423333454333355+876
9Rauno Murumaa +10F3326434433443453233543+1078
10Aleks Sõber +13F4344533323345554352344+1381
10Raivo Erm +13F4325435443343464343433+1381
10Kevin Kiolein +13F5354444333444253533343+1381
13Argo Peever +15F4345533433343275334354+1583
14Siim Nurmsoo +16F5464433344443455333244+1684
15Evelin Räis +25F4435554333683563433355+2593
16Maret Erm +32F4447545343564467545434+32100
17Raido Raidoja +39F7588435544343568455335+39107
Bullseye hit
Green hit
Outside circle putt
Inside circle putts
Inside bullseye putt

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The result was updated on: 2018-02-17 16:49:16. Free is used

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