NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 56B 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Kristo Vaikmaa -10F223422224324322232-1046
2Ronald Rotenberg -8F223232424333332232-848
3Eero Peterson -7F222233334234323323-749
4Martin Roos -4F342343324225332232-452
4Alik Koljal -4F223334434325322223-452
6Ivo Linder -3F233224334333433323-353
6Rasmus Parts -3F334333224334323233-353
8Vahur Kapp -1F334343324234333332-155
8Kristjan Reinaru -1F323334225334333333-155
10Andrus Siim +1F333344224336332333+157
11Janor Soop +2F324443344334333332+258
11Viljar Rebane +2F322343344247333323+258
11Caleb Santos +2F323434335334432342+258
14Priit Ohakas +3F333344335334333333+359
15Alan Kivistik +4F325334444434433223+460
15Erki Kangur +4F223335235344443334+460
17Arvo Mere +5F323343435344453233+561
18Reigo Alp +7F233455334425334343+763

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The result was updated on: 2018-04-12 19:47:21. Free is used

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