NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Eero Peterson -3F333233333442343333-355
1Kristjan Reinaru -3F322333332433443352-355
3Ergo Org -2F324232334333443433-256
3Christopher Robin Antsu -2F322343422332363443-256
5Rain Siivert -1F334243333443433332-157
6Martin Roos +2F233352434532443433+260
6Rasmus Parts +2F334242333433534533+260
8Tarvo Tats +3F323333423553333643+361
9Viljar Rebane +5F433344334453433433+563
10Kenneth Koort +6F244454433443343442+664
11Priit Ohakas +7F434343343433534543+765
12Danek Mugur +10F355444433453334443+1068
13Age Tihomirova +17F443343436643545743+1775
14Oliver Kihu +47F335343777777777777+47105

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The result was updated on: 2018-04-17 19:48:09. Free is used

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