NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
Open H (11)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Vina Cornish -3F224233324442-335
2Adrien Pontieux -1F243333424342-137
3CÉSAR TIEYRE +4F353434434432+442
4Phil Marcantoni +6F344435534333+644
5David Ranchou +9F365454434342+947
6Cédric BRONDY +10F355443535353+1048
7Blanc Rémy +14F355544545444+1452
8Philippe Brous +15F444434736554+1553
8jonathan achille +15F355445536463+1553
10Julien Tixador +18F484347635444+1856
Bullseye hit0%
Green hit0%
Outside circle putt0
Inside circle putts0%
Inside bullseye putt0
Master H (8)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Xavier JOUSSON +1F343334433432+139
2GERARD BESSET +2F333244335343+240
2gilbert carniel +2F354334334242+240
4Benoit-Barné Laurent +5F344335334443+543
5Franck Haverlandt +7F235335445443+745
6Bruno Compazieu +8F343334535454+846
7THIERRY JURADO +9F246354535442+947
8Alain Razaka +12F345455535443+1250
Master F (2)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Janique JOUSSON +14F355456526443+1452
2Veronique Chanier +17F363465745453+1755
Senior F (2)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Olga GUITARD +20F464553539554+2058
1Sylvie VINET +20F464544547564+2058
Senior H (6)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112+/-Sum
1Jean Pierre FERRANDON +1F343433325333+139
2Michel Coste +3F343433433443+341
3thierry guitard +10F333344446563+1048
4Patrick Dupuis +13F373435436553+1351
5Martin Peyre +21F654544545584+2159
6Jean-Luc MARCHAIS +70F999999999999+70108

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The result was updated on: 2018-10-09 16:13:21.

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