NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Kristjan Reinaru -2F332224344433432443-257
2Tarvo Tats 0F343244344333423433059
3Eero Peterson +1F323224434324335454+160
4Ivo Linder +2F332333453434334443+261
5Viljar Rebane +4F333333364424424453+463
5Raido Laanela +4F333223444423345473+463
5Alik Koljal +4F334334355334234344+463
8Ergo Org +5F323333356343324644+564
8Guido Laanela +5F323224444425345463+564
10Martin Roos +7F343337346423324543+766
11Alan Kivistik +9F333234555433445453+968
12Henri Ojatamm +10F233327454333435663+1069

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The result was updated on: 2019-02-03 12:35:20. Free is used

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