NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920212223+/-Sum
1Ville Hornborg +7F33333554333343335354335+782
2Toni Puls +9F34234673333433355344324+984
3Jani Ahjoniemi +14F33333464344352446453355+1489
3Mira Uhlenius +14F36443563343343344344544+1489
5Markus Solonen +17F34344553344543344355356+1792
6Luka Solonen +18F23344554444353445453564+1893
7Erik Rehnstrand +28F33454673465363345366464+28103
8Pilvi Turunen +32F44344695434463467364446+32107
9Elise Kettumäki +37F33434763556464547564567+37112
10Raisu pelaaja +43F44556667665565555555435+43118

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The result was updated on: 2020-03-19 20:53:11. Free is used

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