Handicap (HC) calculation by Metrix rating

NoNameRatingResultHCSum (Result-HC)
1Reigo Otti7695519.2535.75
2Olav Kruuser936445.3338.67
3Janar Pullisaar899488.4239.58
4Siim Moldau941454.9240.08
5Aigar Veebel921486.5841.42
6Ardo Sepp881569.9246.08
7Robert Udeküll931525.7546.25

NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+/-Sum
1Olav Kruuser -10F222233233233232322-1044
2Siim Moldau -9F232222332323323422-945
3Janar Pullisaar -6F232233442222333323-648
3Aigar Veebel -6F223333423322223333-648
5Robert Udeküll -2F323333323332225343-252
6Reigo Otti +1F233433443243333323+155
7Ardo Sepp +2F333333333333333344+256

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The result was updated on: 2020-05-06 20:57:31. Free discgolfmetrix.com is used

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