1Rein Kruusement +1F333433443+130
2Raiko Randjõe +2F343443433+231
3Maikel Veelain +3F353343533+332
4Jaan Ilistom +4F333444444+433
4Hannes Ehatäht +4F434433543+433
6Marko Riimand +5F443553433+534
6Rando Randjõe +5F354453433+534
8Rando verk +6F353544533+635
9Jüri Väli +8F344644543+837
10Hendrik Ehatäht +9F454463534+938
11Martti kuura +10F453654633+1039
11Marken Matvei +10F363543564+1039
11Priit Noobel +10F354553644+1039
14Lauri Ots +11F544354663+1140
15Thomas Rääk +12F344555843+1241
16Rauno Pruuli +14F464663653+1443
17Imre Randjõe +15F574444664+1544

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The result was updated on: 2020-09-01 19:50:52. Free is used

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