NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum  
1Mauri Villmann -3F333334435322335422-257-3115
2Asko Krais +9F323443434446235543+7669127
3Heitti Randkivi +13F244246545434333234+66513131
4Andres Idnurm +14F243453533424234333+16014132
5Madis Soopa +16F333235436324435543+66516134
6Rainer Villmann +17F433344635534335443+106917135
7Terje Sangernebo +19F334453534535344643+127119137
8Simar Villmann +21F433343643424335433+56421139
9Karl-Erik Roostfeldt +24F443556535643334634+177624142
10Marek Nuut +30F346344444443346334+117030148
11Marius Jaanverk +31F444453754463343343+147331149

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The result was updated on: 2020-12-19 14:35:17. Free is used

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