NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920+/-Sum
1Joni Viitala +5F35332343343424345433+568
2Sami Poikkeus +6F33332442365424354333+669
3Thomas Nylund +7F54353344233324345334+770
3Oskar Eklund +7F43332444343523564233+770
5Teijo Petäjäjärvi +9F35454343334324345433+972
5Aki Immonen +9F54433443343323446343+972
7Otso Parkkari +10F45453333444324355342+1073
7Ville Stigell +10F43353353333533266334+1073
9Jere Elsilä +11F44433444434335455323+1174
10Yrjö Munukka +14F34453434344523447335+1477
11Niko Aho +15F45344353545424545324+1578

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The result was updated on: 2021-01-10 14:45:37. Free is used

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