NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213+/-Sum
1Tim Fügmann -3F3323423342232-336
2Niklas Schwetke -2F3234233342323-237
3Holger Hill 0F3333333343323039
4Josef Schnittger +1F4223423353333+140
5Philipp Neuhäußer +3F4334223444333+342
5Andreas Dremu Runte +3F3334234343523+342
7Eike Schilling +4F5233333644322+443
7Fabian Bismar +4F4233443433433+443
7Nils Begemann +4F5334333531334+443
7Johannes Sebastian Frisch +4F4233543442333+443
11Stefan Lenz +5F4324324345433+544
11Markus Deichsel +5F5334233444333+544
11Markus Nowc +5F3333353334434+544
14Paul Heinrich +6F4344343442334+645
14Christoph Ladendorf +6F6325333342344+645
14Joseph Bubinowskowitch +6F5333333433543+645
17Greg Snell +7F5343333434434+746
17Tim Bader +7F5424333344434+746
19Boris Schmarbeck +8F4335333552434+847
19Johannes Struve +8F4333433344544+847
21Marco Strebel +9F4433333644443+948
21Daniel Zacharias +9F5334334442436+948
21Simon Zastrow +9F5333454342435+948
24Michael Tietz +10F4433434454434+1049
25Marcus Müller +11F6334334444435+1150
25David Hoff +11F5234443643543+1150
25Christoph Petzke +11F4343333464544+1150
28Jan Weckenbrock +12F7335353354433+1251
29Bastian Jobs +13F5533334454445+1352
29Eike Jenning +13F8333342446444+1352
29Andrew Hutchinson +13F10333443542344+1352
29Herman Köhn +13F5434433455444+1352
33Jan Hendrik Hoppe +14F5434343555354+1453
33Andreas Rühlemann +14F4334543455634+1453
35Jan Bergann +15F6354553444434+1554
36Kay Lenz +16F6543433555345+1655
37Maximilian Fernandes Barros +18F5444434574445+1857

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The result was updated on: 2021-08-28 13:31:41. Free is used

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