1Edgars Saulītis -4F222234224-423
1Kristaps Pugačs゛ -4F233233223-423
3Toms Vacietis -3F223224324-324
3Intars Jansons -3F223243323-324
3Ēriks Sidarovičs -3F242232333-324
6Ģirts Žeiers -1F243323333-126
7Elviss Brauns 0F332334333027
7Kaspars Kaverskis 0F224334333027
9Rolands Bēriņš +2F323343434+229
10Deivo Mūkins +3F235444323+330
10Druvis Zvejnieks +3F334333434+330
12Janis Heinsbergs +4F443344423+431
13Normunds Apinis +5F343334435+532
13Paula Feldmane +5F244344434+532
13Miks Zīverts +5F333253634+532
16Zigmārs Kašs +7F343454335+734

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The result was updated on: 2021-06-15 20:01:14. Free is used

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