NoName+/-Thr12345616 17 18 +/-Sum
1Erki Laanearu +2F335243542+231
2Johannes Jürgenson +14F334748545+1443
3Siim Tagam +4F434243634+433
4Siim Talts +6F443434454+635
5Margus Nurk +4F253434444+433
6Kristjan Reinaru 0F233443433029
7Sten Jupaschevski +4F334442544+433
8Kevin Künnapas +8F355353544+837
9Kristen kirsipuu+6F334526444+635
10Chris Matsalu +5F333445435+534

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The result was updated on: 2021-09-15 19:07:42. Free is used

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