1Igor Koroljov -1F333342224-126
2Ingmar Hinn +1F233332345+128
3Igor Amonenko +2F343433423+229
3Marko Nõmmik +2F244433324+229
3Mario Pinka +2F233353424+229
6Kadi Valtsov +4F244353424+431
6Geiri Sperling +4F333354334+431
8Raul Koonik +7F344543335+734
8Karl Kristjan Kajak +7F232442557+734
8Madis Voitk +7F344343445+734
11Marko Voitk +8F343353437+835
12Anna Liisa Kattai +10F344663434+1037

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The result was updated on: 2021-10-03 17:00:30. Free is used

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