NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Dorian Legendre -5F233323332323335332-551
2Matthieu Plou -4F223334323333334422-452
3Guillaume Marcellin 0F344334432223334324056
4Chavigny Sebastien +2F234434422343444422+258
5DEBIEE Florian +3F543433422333434423+359
5Timéo LEGENDRE +3F333434424343234433+359
7Damien Fleureux +4F333343424324344524+460
8Vincent Jautrou +5F322346523233354443+561
9Bruno Picard +6F333335423344444424+662
9pascal chassine +6F334334423333346524+662
11Stéphane RODOLPHE +7F333344533433435523+763
12Guillaume Henain +8F333354423334544533+864
12Ludovic Laurilleux +8F233454444344345422+864
14Delphine Pierre +33F456446764454755544+3389
15Christophe Legendre 0-00

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The result was updated on: 2022-07-03 12:52:59. Free is used

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