Edasijõudnud (reiting 890+) (10)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Martin Malm -6F223223232-621
2Mairo Mägi -3F222243432-324
3Igor Amonenko -2F233323333-225
4Mario Pinka 0F233343324027
5Ingmar Hinn +1F324343333+128
5Rauno Esaul +1F232343254+128
5Viktor Pähklamäe +1F334223452+128
8Mikk Klaas +2F243322373+229
8Igor Koroljov +2F333243344+229
10Ville Pähklamäe +3F233444262+330
Harrastajad(reiting 801-889) (10)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Maido Mägi -2F234223333-225
2Janek Jaani -1F343324232-126
2Timo Savostkin -1F234233333-126
4Madis Voitk 0F224343333027
5Viktor Kalames +1F243423253+128
5Marko Voitk +1F233335432+128
7Matthias Tauk +3F333353343+330
7Raul Koonik +3F335342334+330
9Geiri Sperling +4F333343444+431
10kevin-ken vahtra +7F245424463+734
Algajad (reiting 0-800) (4)+/-Thr123456789+/-Sum
1Tarmo Ranne +1F234343243+128
2Rainer Pungar +6F234443364+633
3Vaiko Toom +8F444343544+835
4Riivo Pippar +9F454344444+936

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The result was updated on: 2022-06-19 11:47:32. Free is used

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