NoName+/-Thr 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141518192022+/-Sum
FPO (9)+/-Thr 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141518192022+/-Sum
1Virgi Sokk +19F545258324564535454+1979
2Yngvild Sudmann +23F444537334573635566+2383
3Sanne Dalseth +26F445536463453935566+2686
3Hege Nilsen +26F446257446673744544+2686
5Lene Mikalsen +27F544448444684644563+2787
6Åshild Håbrekke +28F544347464566534684+2888
7Andrea Pedersen +32F554457554694464564+3292
8Caroline Egeland +33F545535463675864665+3393
9Pernille Monstad Røberg +36F555547465684665564+3696
MJ18 (11)+/-Thr 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141518192022+/-Sum
1Josef Rannestad +1F435234223543433245+161
2Tobias Hjorteland Schjølberg +2F434244433443432353+262
2Nicolai Hagen +2F333256433353433342+262
4Magnus Tovslid +4F433434233453634343+464
5Eirik Gjuvsland Skjelnes +6F363536323553333343+666
5Eskel Bårdsen +6F354436333362335343+666
7Sebastian L Ådnanes +7F233234335544543473+767
8Erik Nedrelid +10F345435423582533452+1070
9William Tønnesen Lundberg +19F366536243477333563+1979
10jo kristian Tønnesen +20F634555445474333555+2080
11Samuel Strømmen Gjuvsland +24F454636383553834464+2484

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The result was updated on: 2022-08-17 13:30:44.

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