1Lauri Perähannu -12F332222322-621-1242
1Matias Pihlaja -12F232232222-720-1242
3Viljami Lähteenkorva -9F332322232-522-945
4Onni Lahti -7F222232322-720-747
5Jussi Ryynänen -6F333342222-324-648
6Antti Ryynänen 0F322343443+128054
7Eemeli Mattila +1F343334343+330155
8Luukas Vilander +3F232334433027357
9Daniel Tuori +13F357335332+7341367
10Terno Nyman +18F453443454+9361872

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The result was updated on: 2022-07-26 12:52:28. Free is used

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