NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415+/-Sum
1Lauri Kuutti 0F332435226323333047
2Teemu Tamminen +1F343333434343332+148
3Tomi Tiikkaja +2F463333334332234+249
4Velmu Talvitie +3F443333234324435+350
5Mika Juhani Raatikainen +5F354334334342434+552
6Matti Palomäki +6F353434435332335+653
7Seppo Niemi +8F453444334343344+855
7Tero Petäjistö +8F543333355343236+855
9Ari Heino +10F455444335432335+1057
10Karri Saarinen +14F554664345324334+1461
11Markku Laitala +17F565434345543346+1764
12Tero Flinck+34F775656546554655+3481

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The result was updated on: 2022-09-17 15:59:06. Free is used

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