NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910+/-Sum
1Gertrud Orrin -3F2333323332-327
2Mihkel Külvik -2F3433232323-228
3Martin Külvik 0F3233334333030
3Indrek Orrin 0F3323334333030
3Keijo Kristo Pruus 0F2343233343030
6Siim Sildver +2F3533323433+232
7Rudolf Bichele +3F4544323233+333
8Siim Isküll+4F4433433442+434
9Maria Runno +5F3345334343+535
10Birgit Sildver+9F5345433633+939
10Steven Värnomasing +9F4554434343+939
12Sebastian Sildver+10F3654433543+1040
13Caro +14F4465633643+1444

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The result was updated on: 2023-06-24 15:20:17. Free is used

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