1Tanel Mehine -8F233233222-522-846
2Anti Kustassoo -7F232433222-423-747
3Jimmy -6F332233332-324-648
4Reino Säinas -5F223325332-225-549
5Cristo Kalder -3F342333332-126-351
5Kris Neufeld -3F233242332-324-351
7Eero Heinloo 0F333334242027054
8Erkki Eggert +2F333333423027256
9Tarmo Lillelaid +4F343234433+229458
10Bruno Võsu +5F343344334+431559
11Taavi Leemet +34F332243323-2253488

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The result was updated on: 2016-05-11 19:56:44. Free is used

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