1Maikel Jätsa -3F232333332-324
1Jaanus Vislapuu -3F323322333-324
3Anti Kustassoo -2F333233332-225
3Merit Fjodorov -2F244332223-225
3Timo Ehrpais -2F344232322-225
3Helena Helendi -2F433332223-225
7Reino Säinas 0F254233233027
8Triin Rannak +3F523433433+330
9Krista Leibak +4F333435433+431
9Ergo Leibak +4F323345434+431
11Rete Kustassoo +9F463444434+936

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The result was updated on: 2018-05-06 14:17:53. Free is used

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