NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910+/-Sum
1Liis Buht -142423-111
2Pille Talts 06235423019
3Sander Lember +2F3334433424+233
4Martin Täär+8F5444534334+839
5Marge Mehine+96444655+928
6Tively Rämmann+10F5444444543+1041
7Mäidu Täär+13F4444755533+1344
8Kristin Liksman+15F4545654544+1546
9Tiveko Veesaar+16F4444755554+1647
10Mart Täär+18F5445766543+1849
11Heiki Mägi +19F5544676553+1950
12Argo Põder +21F6634745755+2152
13Tiina Bamberg+22F7647555446+2253

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The result was updated on: 2018-08-31 21:18:28. Free is used

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