1Ville Tanni -2F333333124-225
2Tomi Matikainen 0F333233334027
3Jukka Lintula +1F334233334+128
4Aki Jukkola +2F334433333+229
4Ilkka Reipas +2F433433333+229
4Tomi Palmi +2F333344333+229
7Jari Hankela +8F444433337+835
7Jarmo Hankela +8F444633344+835
9Ihan Arto Vaan +12F454753335+1239
10Kymä Haapasalmi +43F994399999+4370

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The result was updated on: 2019-02-02 21:27:25. Free is used

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