1Alan Kivistik -11F11231212-1113
2Tarvo Tats -9F12222213-915
2Rando Järve -972122221-912
2Raimo Kimmel -9F11221332-915
5Guido Laanela -871221223-813
6Meeri Rätsep -7F21222233-717
7Agor Tõnuri -6F12322332-618
7Hanna Rätsep -6F22122225-618
9Marcus Kivistik -472212253-417
10Age Tihomirova -3F33222324-321
10Kariina-Mia Tats -3F13132326-321
12Rinell Lauter 0F22222446024

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The result was updated on: 2019-03-18 21:12:37. Free is used

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