NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Ville Hornborg 0F442325342244323443058
2Juha Kettumäki +3F423433533333333355+361
3Markus Solonen +5F443234334535333353+563
4Mira Uhlenius +7F432346553224432454+765
5Seppo Ronni +8F633424342256334453+866
6Ritva Mustonen +12F533336444335343563+1270
7Elise Kettumäki +14F543535533335444553+1472
8jani ahjoniemi +16F533546353346354363+1674
9Sami Mäntymäki +17F534535453455353553+1775
10Erik Rehnstrand +18F543435342466444474+1876
11Pilvi Turunen +24F544446564246454465+2482

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The result was updated on: 2019-04-21 13:32:29. Free is used

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