NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021+/-Sum
1Eelis Luomala +12F347564324353343534434+1282
1Väinö Järvinen +12F336454424443364455234+1282
3Lauri Aaltonen +14F444483445444353433344+1484
3Leevi Backman +14F445553535353352544335+1484
5oskar hartikainen +15F336465345354352543534+1585
5Veikka Tuominen +15F446373435453363534334+1585
7Kaapo Kalmari +16F545353445363352544346+1686
8Joel Palosaari +17F345464336354364543345+1787
9Jani Panomies +21F435484435354463654335+2191
10Wayne Anturaniemi +22F347364345363474554345+2292
11Eeli Jaakkola +23F346453446554275644336+2393
12Tommi Tiljander +30F247474448643454654357+30100
13Antti Kumpulainen +36F375586548475365643345+36106

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The result was updated on: 2019-06-23 14:18:31. Free is used

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