NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
1Eelis Luomala -1F332353432343433234-157
2Joel Palosaari 0F333342733344323224058
3Väinö Järvinen +1F343332434345433323+159
4oskar hartikainen +3F342433533354342334+361
5Lauri Aaltonen +6F334345434343432345+664
6Leevi Backman +7F434343643343444234+765
7Veikka Tuominen +9F443443433353634335+967
8Jani Panomies +10F433443446444434334+1068
9Kaapo Kalmari +11F554264434333534344+1169
10Wayne Anturaniemi +12F234334535456433445+1270
11Antti Kumpulainen +18F446453534355534535+1876
12Tommi Tiljander +20F542354733645436446+2078

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The result was updated on: 2019-06-23 17:14:54. Free is used

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