

    • Registration start: 04/18/21 06:30 +:00
    • Registration end: 04/18/22 15:00 +:00
    • Maximum number of players: 100
    • The number of registered players: 61
    M Mensall
    J Juniorsall
    W Womensall

     Mens (43)Registered on↑
    1Aleixus Martin11/21/21 07:39:30
    2Andrew Cowan11/21/21 07:39:30
    3Aric Visentin11/21/21 07:39:30
    4Aydan Johnstone11/21/21 07:39:30
    5Bailey Cassidy11/21/21 07:39:30
    6Ben Kersche11/21/21 07:39:30
    7billy mills11/21/21 07:39:30
    8Brandon Godfrey11/21/21 07:39:30
    9Bryan Rauwerda11/21/21 07:39:30
    10Chris Palazzi11/21/21 07:39:30
    11Dale Bocos11/21/21 07:39:30
    12Daniel Bozza11/21/21 07:39:30
    13Daniel Jakob11/21/21 07:39:30
    14Daniel Pearce11/21/21 07:39:30
    15Duncan Webley11/21/21 07:39:30
    16Gregory Killoran11/21/21 07:39:30
    17Hugh Osborn11/21/21 07:39:30
    18Jamie Ellis11/21/21 07:39:30
    19Jayden McClintock11/21/21 07:39:30
    20Joe Kersche11/21/21 07:39:30
    21Josh Izod11/21/21 07:39:30
    22Joshua Miller11/21/21 07:39:30
    23Kai Howells11/21/21 07:39:30
    24Kris Ramsay11/21/21 07:39:30
    25Layne Radcliffe11/21/21 07:39:30
    26Liam Downing11/21/21 07:39:30
    27Mark Ford-Learner11/21/21 07:39:30
    28Matthew De Witt11/21/21 07:39:30
    29Mitchell Palazzi11/21/21 07:39:30
    30Nate Hammel11/21/21 07:39:30
    31Nicholas Gregg11/21/21 07:39:30
    32Nick Ford-Learner11/21/21 07:39:30
    33Robert Lambert11/21/21 07:39:30
    34Royce Blackbourn11/21/21 07:39:30
    35Sam Nielsen11/21/21 07:39:30
    36Sean11/21/21 07:39:30
    37Sean Beveridge11/21/21 07:39:30
    38Tim Saunders11/21/21 07:39:30
    39Todd Chapman11/21/21 07:39:30
    40Tom Akamarmoi11/21/21 07:39:30
    41Tomas Roots11/21/21 07:39:30
    42Trent Pease11/21/21 07:39:30
    43Zac Ringsgwandl11/21/21 07:39:30
     Womens (7)Registered on↑
    1Brittini Ramsay11/21/21 07:39:30
    2Julie Briggs11/21/21 07:39:30
    3Katrel Mikula11/21/21 07:39:30
    4Kelli Chapman11/21/21 07:39:30
    5Keri Palazzi11/21/21 07:39:30
    6Misty Blackbourn11/21/21 07:39:30
    7Rose Van Allen11/21/21 07:39:30
     Juniors (5)Registered on↑
    1Bailen Stone11/21/21 07:39:30
    2Kaydon Mitchell11/21/21 07:39:30
    3Ryland lambert11/21/21 07:39:30
    4Summer Stone11/21/21 07:39:30
    5Xavier Lambert11/21/21 07:39:30


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