
04/10/22 11:00|Kiikla → Libahunt|ESTONIA, Ida-Viru Maakond, Alutaguse vald

  • Comment: Osalejad jaotatakse reitingu alusel ca. 5 liikmelisteks gruppideks, iga grupi parim saab autasustatud. Auhinnalaual põnevat kraami erinevatelt tootjatelt. Mängu sees toimub korvil nr. 5 CTP võistlus. Osavõtt 5.-, noored 2.-


  • The number of registered players: 44
Divisjon Xall
Divisjon 1not allowed;
Divisjon 2not allowed;
Divisjon 3not allowed;
Divisjon 4not allowed;
Divisjon 5not allowed;
Divisjon 6not allowed;
Divisjon 7not allowed;
Divisjon 8not allowed;
Daamidnot allowed;

 Divisjon 1 (5)Registered on↑
1Kristen Milk04/07/22 23:28:23
2Allain-Marco Anton04/07/22 18:18:23
3Taivo Valdur04/06/22 14:37:51
4Egert Hütt04/06/22 10:40:24
5Oliver Võõbus04/06/22 10:38:18
 Divisjon 2 (6)Registered on↑
1Jarko Kool04/10/22 09:43:58
2Sven Normak04/10/22 09:10:58
3Üllar Rego04/09/22 16:13:58
4Janek Võõbus04/06/22 20:33:24
5Ago Sambla04/06/22 12:12:42
6Rein Viiol04/06/22 11:36:16
 Divisjon 3 (5)Registered on↑
1Danny-Rocco Anton04/09/22 23:04:38
2Karl Pill04/09/22 16:23:45
3Sander Filippov04/08/22 22:47:07
4Erki Luik04/07/22 21:21:25
5Jorma Hiisku04/07/22 11:12:52
 Divisjon 4 (5)Registered on↑
1Sven Paist04/10/22 08:24:55
2Jüri Kivest04/09/22 22:17:32
3Peeter Pilv04/07/22 22:43:22
4Sander Sepa04/07/22 12:22:32
5Tarmo hiisku04/07/22 10:12:49
 Divisjon 5 (5)Registered on↑
1Roger Kaldaru04/09/22 10:19:56
2Uno Rego04/06/22 21:04:22
3Imre Kurs04/06/22 12:30:20
4Marek Mihhailov04/06/22 11:13:28
5Tarmo Hütt04/06/22 10:26:09
 Divisjon 6 (5)Registered on↑
1Meelis Mändla04/09/22 10:26:28
2Ragnar Alt04/07/22 20:06:11
3Hillar Neiland04/07/22 14:20:57
4Venno Jaakma04/07/22 07:19:23
5Tarvo Leesik04/06/22 21:44:19
 Divisjon 7 (5)Registered on↑
1Margus Murdsalu04/09/22 21:47:33
2Ahto Murdsalu04/09/22 21:46:34
3Meelis Kriisa04/09/22 19:08:10
4Margus Teelahk04/08/22 19:06:08
5Peeter Siak04/07/22 11:22:24
 Divisjon 8 (5)Registered on↑
1Erik Küttis04/09/22 19:52:59
2Toomas Uustalu04/09/22 18:47:00
3Margo Luik04/07/22 22:10:02
4Marek Milk04/07/22 20:33:22
5Rauno Kruut04/06/22 10:56:11
 Daamid (3)Registered on↑
1Meriliis Uustalu04/09/22 20:09:19
2Kelli Vassiljev04/06/22 19:47:43
3Anu Normak04/06/22 19:47:13


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