

  • Registration start: 01/23/23 21:23 +:00
  • Registration end: 02/19/23 08:15 +:00
  • The number of registered players: 33
MC2 Mens Circle 2all
MC1 Mens - Circle 1all
W Womensall
J Juniorsall

 Mens Circle 2 (19)Registered on↑
1Manuel Castaneda Jr.02/19/23 07:59:01
2Dylan Rankin02/19/23 07:57:37
3Brandon Godfrey02/19/23 07:55:59
4David Dehollander02/19/23 07:51:14
5billy mills02/19/23 07:46:02
6Scott Proud02/19/23 07:43:56
7Zac Arthur02/19/23 07:38:39
8Tom Fox02/19/23 07:38:14
9Brandon Arthur02/19/23 07:33:38
10Jamie Ellis02/18/23 14:02:08
11Bradley Clements02/17/23 18:33:53
12Mitchell Fieldhouse02/17/23 18:08:27
13Jason Smith02/17/23 17:43:42
14Bryan Rauwerda02/13/23 14:19:35
15Jordan Ballment02/11/23 19:19:35
16Andrew Cowan02/09/23 20:29:17
17Kane Smith02/08/23 21:45:38
18Tristan Glover02/04/23 08:59:16
19Todd Chapman01/23/23 22:06:16
 Mens - Circle 1 (9)Registered on↑
1Nate Hammel02/19/23 07:40:41
2Aydan Johnstone02/18/23 23:58:35
3Joshua Miller02/18/23 23:07:34
4Chris Palazzi02/17/23 16:43:11
5Robert Lambert02/14/23 11:59:22
6Jayden McClintock02/08/23 13:23:36
7Daniel Jakob02/08/23 10:05:41
8Ben Kersche02/04/23 18:23:37
9Trent Pease01/23/23 21:26:47
 Womens (5)Registered on↑
1Jennifer Walker02/19/23 07:51:40
2Cassie Clements02/09/23 16:54:04
3Toleira Blackbourn02/06/23 10:03:37
4Sarah Whitehouse02/04/23 08:57:28
5Brittini Ramsay01/23/23 21:27:41


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