
05/09/24 09:00|Meikku One Round → 1. B-lohko|FINLAND, Uusimaa, Helsinki

  • Comment: Pääkisassa kisainfo


  • Registration start: 04/19/24 20:09 +03:00
  • Registration end: 05/07/24 21:00 +03:00
  • Maximum number of players: 36
  • The number of registered players: 14
GeneralSFL license required;
FP40 Pro Master Women 40+Age >= 40; Gender = F; PDGA membership is active ;
MA1 Mixed Amateur 1PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 970;
MA3 Mixed Amateur 3PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 900;
OR PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 900;
MA4 Mixed Amateur 4PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 850;
OR PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 850;
MA50 Mixed Amateur 50+Age >= 50; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 50; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 910;
MA60 Mixed Amateur 60+Age >= 60; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 60; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 900;
FA2 Womens Amateur 2Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 825;
OR Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 825;
FA4 Womens Amateur 4Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 725;
OR Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 725;
FA50 Womens Amateur 50+Age >= 50; Gender = F; PDGA classification <> Pro; PDGA membership is active ;
OR Age >= 50; Gender = F; PDGA classification = Pro; PDGA membership is active ; PDGA rating < 805;

 Pro Master Women 40+ (1)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClubWaiting listPaidRegistered on↑
1Susanna Lindqvist75438795Team HippoYes04/23/24 18:20:30
 Mixed Amateur 3 (3)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClubWaiting listPaidRegistered on↑
1Ilmari Eerola280450864TTYes05/07/24 20:02:05
2Ville Tervonen78642888Yes05/07/24 15:39:33
3Teijo Petäjäjärvi108382892Team HippoYes04/23/24 12:58:15
 Mixed Amateur 4 (1)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClubWaiting listPaidRegistered on↑
1Tomi Eronen146920822TTYes05/03/24 21:54:33
 Mixed Amateur 50+ (5)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClubWaiting listPaidRegistered on↑
1Jukka Rasila12865290705/08/24 21:17:51
2Jari Taskinen158320875TTYes05/07/24 20:53:24
3Olli-Pekka Niemi207855844PuskasoturitYes05/07/24 18:49:53
4Mika Simolin64046878NFSYes04/23/24 05:12:46
5Jamo Heikkilä80302894Team HippoYes04/22/24 22:28:32
 Mixed Amateur 60+ (4)PDGA numberPDGA ratingClubWaiting listPaidRegistered on↑
1Seppo Kurkela115648864Team HippoYes04/23/24 18:59:37
2Petteri Kantokari70723812TTYes04/23/24 14:19:33
3Yrjö Munukka85245812NFSYes04/23/24 06:59:12
4Pentti Herranen8752791Team HippoYes04/22/24 22:55:55


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