

    • Registration start: 09/01/24 08:00 +:00
    • Registration end: 11/26/24 17:00 +:00
    • Maximum number of players: 96
    • The number of registered players: 17
    Div 1 (1800+) Division 1 (1800+ combined PDGA rating)Sum of players PDGA rating >= 1800;
    Div 2 (1500-1799) Div 2 (1500-1799 combined PDGA rating)Sum of players PDGA rating < 1799; Sum of players PDGA rating >= 1500;
    Div 3 (under 1500) Div 3 (under 1500 combined PDGA rating)Sum of players PDGA rating < 1500;

     Division 1 (1800+ combined PDGA rating) (1)PDGA rating↓PaidRegistered on
    1Kade Ashton, Charlie Buffon1811Yes09/01/24 08:52:51
     Div 2 (1500-1799 combined PDGA rating) (13)PDGA rating↓PaidRegistered on
    1Andrew Bateup, Brett Chambers844Yes09/01/24 10:18:53
    2Peter Bligh, Robert Ryan853Yes09/01/24 08:00:57
    3Jennifer Bailey, Daryl Bailey1530Yes09/01/24 10:01:31
    4Tania Behan, David Eames1570Yes09/01/24 20:00:48
    5Stephen Bunting, Trent Neville1590Yes09/01/24 10:24:28
    6Mark Boland, Claire Bruton1665Yes09/01/24 18:40:32
    7Cal Ford, Jack Lemon171409/05/24 15:56:32
    8David Flew, lewis jones1723Yes09/01/24 08:11:05
    9Ian Whittaker, Taylor zeuschner1726Yes09/01/24 08:06:57
    10Jay Ros, Tarron Anderson1782Yes09/01/24 08:05:21
    11Broden Sherratt, Brock Brinkworth1787Yes09/01/24 08:05:21
    12Tom Rugg, Kevin Costa1791Yes08/24/24 22:22:12
    13Tim Wright, benn kennedy179809/01/24 08:29:44
     Div 3 (under 1500 combined PDGA rating) (3)PDGA rating↓PaidRegistered on
    1Michael Malone, Jill MaloneYes08/27/24 16:29:02
    2Krishna Parthasarathy, Krishna Parthasarathy09/03/24 14:43:14
    3Sharon Costa, Sharon Laurence1146Yes08/25/24 16:51:41


    Bespoke Disc Golf


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