NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
1Henri Salminen -2F3333336333332423232-257
2Mikko Kanervo 0F3433333434342433322059
3wille mäkinen +9F3333343454434634432+968
3Jarno Virtanen +9F3335334434363635322+968
5Pauli Pottonen +10F2434434445353543333+1069
5Hao Kanerva +10F3433445343344633532+1069
5Jussi Kovanen +10F2444336444343545223+1069
5Sami Kämäräinen +10F3533334436463433333+1069
9Janne Pesonen +13F3353336555343523344+1372
10Eelis Rahikkala +15F2334344535365643353+1574
11Tero Kerttula +16F3444744554334833322+1675
12Lasse Kuusisto +20F3444336636335555353+2079

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The result was updated on: 2020-01-12 13:58:18. Free is used

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