
08/21/21 14:00|Skag DiscGolfPark → 18 - Par 56|FINLAND, Åland, Ahvenanmaa, Eckerö

Accommodation offer, Park Alandia Hotell


Park Alandia Hotell gives following offer for players and their traveling partners:


  • Room for one 108 €/night (regular price 121 €)
  • Room for two 125 €/night (regular price 143 €)
  • Extra bed for adult 41 €/night (regular price 46 €)

Price include accomodation in newly renovated rooms, breakfast with many local products and morning sauna and pool bath in renovated bathing area.

Offer is valid until 19.7.2021 and must be booked directly from the hotel. 

Contact info@parkalandia.com ja give code NBDG Åland

More information about the hotel: www.parkalandiahotel.com


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