
Week 2 info


MSO week 2

Whatsapp-link MSO2022 info: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LgtMxmNqx76II3I0s6jr4d

9.3 Wednesday

Doubles competition at Mijas

Best shot, red course
Flex-start between klo 12.30-16.30
If you start before 12.30 send message to TD Sampsa 0440178822.
You can play as many times you like, every round is 20€/pair. You can change pair.
Hole in one pot 2€/pair
Payout 66 %. Open division as cash, other divisions as gift cards or equipment.


Pro Shop players party


Jeti's Fuengirola
Kebab with fries 9,5€
Kebab with rice 9,5€
Or order something from menu:


Select your food to be delivered at 14, 16 or 18 o'clock.
Make your order here:


Before 12.00 o'clock
You can also make your order in Pro Shop. 

Pay to pro shop! 


Ace race competition

12€ ace race & sauna (16-19 o'clock) & one drink and one special stamped disc

5 attemps. 

Gifts cards for hole in one throwers! 


MSO Pro competition10.3. - 12.3

Food at Pro Shop:

10.3. Hamburger and coleslaw 8,5€
11.3. Chilli con carne, rice and salad 8,5€
12.3. Meatballs, mashed potatos and salad 8,5€

First round tee times:


Players meeting 15 minutes before start at Pro Shop


Mijas Spring Disc Golf Festival


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