NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324+/-Sum
1Kristjan Nedo -11F222322333222333323323343-1163
2Taavi Viljaste +6F444434433343233443333333+680
3Risto Vainola +13F544433344343334533433354+1387
4Leana Tiks +14F443534343354344435434333+1488
5Ott-Karl Uibos +15F363444433443453344334434+1589
6Robert Uibos +17F354343434343353534544453+1791
7Markus Lõssov +20F544435434235434434443555+2094
8Sander Jürgenson +25F543533534454354635346552+2599
9Johannes Uibos +26F456543534344354546443345+26100
10Tanel Kõrkjas+30F545843444444444544534455+30104

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The result was updated on: 2022-07-20 19:57:45. Free is used

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