

1 - 09:302 - 09:303 - 09:304 - 09:30
12 Putt Shakur Cain outNikHardBirdiemir & Yeetali Glitch-Go
2Team Werfnitzvanhat karhutThe Masters of DisastersLula Putzi
5 - 09:306 - 09:307 - 09:308 - 09:30
1MEWÖSam and StanOne and a half MenFive Finger Death Putt
22 putts are not enoughE ok.OB-viously Not ProsDie Zipfelmützen
9 - 09:3010 - 09:3011 - 09:3012 - 09:30
1Der Hammer und sein ThorMandowarChrisbertSCHEIMSCHIASSA
2Das Rotkäppchen und der WolfiFather and sonFloMarkTHoch gwinna más nimma!
1314 - 09:3015 - 09:3016 - 09:30
1 Athletic Club Discusiasts - Section FrolfUnicorn69Putterbrot
2 Double WWA2W2Alpenyetis
17 - 09:3018 - 09:30
1Team FlightcontrolSilberpärchen