KIHP League 2023-24 → K1-C Short → Friday 5PM K1-C Short05/24/24 17:00Kendall Indian Hammocks Park K1 - New 2023 → K1-C Short17Park by H15. CTPs - 1, 4, 6, 7 (2nd shot), 9, and 14. 14 paid only if 12 people paid. Pay before the round starts. Cashapp - $MiamiDiscGolfClub. Optional $1 club $ 1 ace $5 ctps $3 handicap $3 scratch $1 mulli. Min. $2 club + ace suggested.
05/24/24 17:00
Huck A Buck 2024 → Moose 1805/24/24 06:30Moose Mountain → Shorts1
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