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  • Weather: -0°C 3.54 m/s SSW
  • Active players at the moment: 0 (0% of usual)


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Top results

 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718+/-Sum
91Sara Krieg03/27/22 14:15324455444454644344+1973
91Franz Schneider03/27/22 14:15334333334495544544+1973
91Alicia Held03/27/22 14:15335544435544533544+1973
91Lars Joachimsthaler03/27/22 10:30335443534456535443+1973
91Jakob Hamm03/27/22 14:15654445334373443443+1973
96Lukas Renner03/27/22 10:30433454444754563243+2074
97Tim Grün03/27/22 10:30334553443574655333+2175
97Paul bartz03/27/22 10:30333635443356636444+2175
97Loïc Jullien03/27/22 14:15353534454454534554+2175
97Lukas Renner03/27/22 14:15343545344444545545+2175
101Alicia Held03/27/22 10:30444353334553646464+2276
102Philipp Weise03/27/22 14:15455453533565435444+2377
103Lars Joachimsthaler03/27/22 14:15434657434464455443+2579
104Ana Maria Scutaru03/27/22 10:30345655544554643444+2680
105Anna Finzel03/27/22 14:15445737564464433444+2781
105Ana Maria Scutaru03/27/22 14:15344564444555654454+2781
107Loïc Jullien03/27/22 10:30544767544584534446+3589
108Marie Knoblauch03/27/22 14:15454655565746755454+3892
109Marie Knoblauch03/27/22 10:30456954744595745454+4296
110Adrian Neubert03/27/22 14:15777777777775777777+70124
111Jens Buchmann03/27/22 10:30777777777777777777+72126
111Jens Buchmann03/27/22 14:15777777777777777777+72126

Course statistics

View: Grouped chart | Detailed chart | Table

Upcoming events

Date, TimeEvent nameEvent typeRegistration statusNumber of registrants
There are no upcoming events on this course

Last 10 events with 10+ players

DateEvent nameNumber of playersBest result
2022-03-27Eberswalde Revival 2022 → 2. Runde56Martin Doerken (-2) | 5 11 1 1
2022-03-27Eberswalde Revival 2022 → 1. Runde56Ronny Linnicke (-5) | 8 7 3

Course usage - heatmap

Course usage - monthly


Location is undefined