NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021+/-Sum
1Hao Kanerva -4F223533333423344233222-461
2Tero Koivu +1F243522354423334234323+166
3Pasi Heikkinen +5F333323333543446334233+570
3Ahmatti Ahonen +5F233433444533437232332+570
5Joonas Koskinen +8F333433543443545233333+873
6Sami Taskinen +10F443333435443455333333+1075
7Mari Kaipio +13F234632533444346235345+1378
7Jarno Virtanen +13F333534543572335434342+1378
9Teemu Roihas +14F343432545443446354225+1479
10terho kaipio-sarja +16F444534443543645344233+1681

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The result was updated on: 2019-09-15 19:15:20. Free is used

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