NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021+/-Sum
1Raigo Golub -4F233332363333322432533-464
2Joonas Juurikas -1F234332363332232444533-167
3Kasper Pisa +1F244333344332343444423+169
3Karl Johan Kastein +1F345332346323234433423+169
5Hunt Kriimsilm+2F234233354324333453443+270
6Karl-Gustav Kessel +4F235333344432334633443+472
7Karl Värva +7F336433354434332444433+775
8Siim Rand +10F343245347424442533444+1078
8Gustav Juurikas +10F253244365333432653534+1078
10Braien Kasser +27F346555364434374655544+2795

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The result was updated on: 2020-05-10 20:40:13. Free is used

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