NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920212223+/-Sum
Pro Open (15)+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920212223+/-Sum
1Jari Pajari -11F33332323223233342323232-1161
2Tero Koivu -9F22422323233343433332223-963
3Marko Könssi -8F32323533232332333323233-864
4Vesa Muhonen -4F32323423233243443333333-468
5Jani Kotanen -2F32323432333362443223343-270
5Antti Verkasalo -2F32333433333233533343233-270
7Aki Holopainen -1F43343433243342332323334-171
7Teemu Heinänen -1F33323433333343443333323-171
9Mikko Nurmi 0F32334433234442443423332072
10Mika Kyngäs +2F33234523333253433343334+274
11Eero Liimatainen +3F53333424333333442333353+375
12Jaakko Lähdesmäki +5F34523553323232344344343+577
13Heidi Könssi +6F43444433433342433334334+678
14Juho Lähdesmäki +11F43444533444344433434333+1183
15Aleksi Rajanen +20F35433434444365355333744+2092

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The result was updated on: 2020-08-01 16:30:47. Free is used

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