NoName+/-Thr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819+/-Sum
1Toni Prykäri -7F4232442344633444243-765
2Sauli Sumen -6F3253443343433544333-666
3Tommi Lampela 0F3342442335434466435072
4Kalle Holtinkoski +2F4232442343733386265+274
4Jarno Pistokoski +2F4272563234633445533+274
4Patrik Karppinen +2F4242443344435466354+274
7Hannele Määttä +3F3442453245524466345+375
7Atro Nykänen +3F4533353364634355334+375
9Jaakko Luoto +5F4343464344534366344+577
10Eelis Laine +6F4453453434536356443+678
11Antero Paso +7F5243553236535567334+779
11pasi koivikko +7F4242453354545467345+779
11Toni Sipola +7F6245453345535445354+779
14Aleksi Kallioinen +10F6243573444545356345+1082
15Sami Perätalo +11F4442453445534478364+1183
16Niko Isopahkala +12F6443543444536376355+1284
17Antti Ojala +15F5253563554736477334+1587
18Jouni karhu +19F4452653547537487354+1991

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The result was updated on: 2022-09-08 20:43:15. Free is used

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